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The Journey of Becoming Visible

"I am worthy of being heard."

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Hello again and welcome back.

Thank you for accepting my invitation and joining me for

further exploration of your expansion.


You already know your journey is about you becoming more visible, by knowing you have a voice, and it matters.  The truth is becoming visible and using your voice is about power, your personal power


You see, your voice represents your individual force of expression

as given to you by Life.  It is actually a particular reflection of consciousness,

the aspect of life that you represent.  Your voice is the way you embrace and express your originality and unique individual experiences  

Through your voice, you learn to communicate, to express your thoughts,

your ideas, your feelings, and the things that matter to you.  It is through

your voice that you speak your truth; which has embedded in it

your personal integrity and honor.


Your voice is the channel through which your express your creativity


Yes, your voice is about personal power.  It’s not power over someone,

or power to control.  It is rather the power of your presence, the way

you show up in the world when you become clear about who you are

and the unique ideas that you are here to express.


The worthiness statement when becoming visible is

“I am worthy of being heard ”

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Hi, I am Chikeola Karimou, 

I love using the platform of Beauty to support people to Embody their Divine,

for more ease, less struggles and more effortlessness in life.  

Why Beauty, and the Beautiful?

The realm of the Soul, your Soul, is higher, refined and beautiful.  So I use the Beautiful as an accelerator to help you harmonize with

the vibrations of your Soul. 


The more you are in the vibrations of your Soul, your Divine, the more you feel

“at home” in your Being, comfortable, aligned, & harmonious. 


It is through decades of spiritual studies and practices, as well as my love of Art, that I received an inner revelation of how Beauty is a healing power; and how to use this portal to connect to the Divine. 


Through my work, I use the success power of Beauty to bring about harmony, inviting people to start with Simple Beauty Upgrades

Working together, I help people to remove whatever is blocking their way so they are aligned and in harmony with their Divine Self, so they may open to their personal power, receive the fulfilling vision their Soul holds for them,

and move to experiencing more joy in their life.  


I would love to invite you to join me to explore further how you can open

even more to your Divine. 


I suggest to start with Beauty in your home where you can elevate the beauty you surround yourself with, because as we know, everything is energy, and the more the energies you surround yourself with are vibrating at the same level with your Soul’s energies, the more harmonious with your Divine. 


PS: We have to rise to  meet the Divine.  It is a Spiritual Law. 

The Divine does not come down to meet us; so we refine who we are,

we refine our environment and we make ourselves available. 

Through harmony, we receive more.  


You may wonder why this matters? 

Or why is this important? 

It is because our Divine is like an untapped Super Power

Once we learn to be in harmony with it, and how to work with it; once we accomplish that, this super power becomes  more available to us;

guiding us on how to unfold the greater vision of meaning and

fulfillment It has for us 


To start Your Simple Beauty Upgrades, you can book your Free Consultation here.  I am available to answer your questions.  Enter your name, email and phone number and I will be in touch with you very soon. 

You may be wondering or debating within yourself: how do I know?

How do I know I need to upgrade the energies of my home to match

my Soul's energies? 

It is simple.

- Is the video a match in your heart with you

- Do you wish you knew how to create such a feel-good, beautiful space

as the one in your video? 

- If there is a part of you reading this and whispering to yourself: oh dear, ...

my space looks nothing like this !

- If there is a little voice inside of you murmuring "I wish my home

could be this beautiful..."?

- If you have started talking to yourself thinking "it may be time to start looking around and plan to move; or it may be time to re-organize things

around here, move out some clutter ..."

Then a part of you is already knowing the answer. I invite you to trust that part of you, and to empower it by listening to it, and taking action.

Building trust with your Divine matters, I promise.


PPS: I know it is custom in the online world to use the tactics of fear to invite us into stepping into our next level of growth, into the next unfoldment of our true potential.  

Fortunately, Embody Your Divine is about a New Way of Being. 

Through my work, I hold the truth about your Divine Self,

which is whole, beautiful, aware, and has all the knowing you require.  

As my work is about uplifting you into a space of love and trust,

as well as empowerment, the fear energy can not be part of our interactions.  The energy and vibration we work with here is

that of Love, of trust, of knowing that through your Inner Power,

you can choose for yourself; with clarity and decisiveness 


One more thing:

You see, the desires we all have: to succeed, to have more, to have a life of meaning, to be happy, to be fulfilled, all these longings in our hearts, in truth, is a desire to be in harmony and aligned with our Divine Self.  In other words, it is a journey of worthiness.  Through our desires, what we are all truly wanting is to feel worthy: worthy of love; worthy of success; worthy to be seen, worthy to be accepted, worthy to shine our uniqueness brilliantly.  

The truth is, raising the energies and vibrations in your home is

a silent way of telling your Divine to release more of its energies in you.

It is raising all aspects of your life. 


The worthiness statement when becoming visible is 

" I am worthy of being heard; my unique voice matters. "

You can start with Simple Beauty Upgrades. And you can book your Free Consultation here.

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